返回顶部 增加动画

返回顶部 增加动画
11月19日 03:10
浏览 11


/* CSS代码 */
#toTop {
  display: none;
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 20px;
  right: 20px;
  z-index: 99;
  font-size: 16px;
  border: none;
  outline: none;
  background-color: #555;
  color: white;
  cursor: pointer;
  padding: 15px;
  border-radius: 4px;

#toTop:hover {
  background-color: #777;

// JavaScript代码
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  var toTop = document.getElementById('toTop');
  toTop.addEventListener('click', function() {
      top: 0,
      behavior: 'smooth'

  window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
    if (document.body.scrollTop > 20 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
      toTop.style.display = 'block';
    } else {
      toTop.style.display = 'none';


AI编程问答网 免责声明:
上一篇:CertificateDownloader文件内容为: #!/usr/bin/env php <?php /** * Proxy PHP file generated by Composer * * This file includes the referenced bin path (../wechatpay/wechatpay/bin/CertificateDownloader.php) * using a stream wrapper to prevent the shebang from being output on PHP<8 * * @generated */ namespace Composer; $GLOBALS['_composer_bin_dir'] = __DIR__; $GLOBALS['_composer_autoload_path'] = __DIR__ . '/..'.'/autoload.php'; if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) { if (!class_exists('Composer\BinProxyWrapper')) { /** * @internal */ final class BinProxyWrapper { private $handle; private $position; private $realpath; public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path) { // get rid of phpvfscomposer:// prefix for __FILE__ & __DIR__ resolution $opened_path = substr($path, 17); $this->realpath = realpath($opened_path) ?: $opened_path; $opened_path = $this->realpath; $this->handle = fopen($this->realpath, $mode); $this->position = 0; return (bool) $this->handle; } public function stream_read($count) { $data = fread($this->handle, $count); if ($this->position === 0) { $data = preg_replace('{^#!.*\r?\n}', '', $data); } $this->position += strlen($data); return $data; } public function stream_cast($castAs) { return $this->handle; } public function stream_close() { fclose($this->handle); } public function stream_lock($operation) { return $operation ? flock($this->handle, $operation) : true; } public function stream_seek($offset, $whence) { if (0 === fseek($this->handle, $offset, $whence)) { $this->position = ftell($this->handle); return true; } return false; } public function stream_tell() { return $this->position; } public function stream_eof() { return feof($this->handle); } public function stream_stat() { return array(); } public function stream_set_option($option, $arg1, $arg2) { return true; } public function url_stat($path, $flags) { $path = substr($path, 17); if (file_exists($path)) { return stat($path); } return false; } } } if ( (function_exists('stream_get_wrappers') && in_array('phpvfscomposer', stream_get_wrappers(), true)) || (function_exists('stream_wrapper_register') && stream_wrapper_register('phpvfscomposer', 'Composer\BinProxyWrapper')) ) { return include("phpvfscomposer://" . __DIR__ . '/..'.'/wechatpay/wechatpay/bin/CertificateDownloader.php'); } } return include __DIR__ . '/..'.'/wechatpay/wechatpay/bin/CertificateDownloader.php'; php ./vendor/bin/CertificateDownloader.php -k 76b182e2cefba868333390b739629d54 -m 1573444011 -f /vagrant_data/www/php-b2cplus/server/runtime/certificate/aff14066b01191f523e757e5637673db.pem -s 55CDB980BDE598CF0B28C52E51F9C1C3A75C5C9D -o ./runtime/aaa.pem 命令是这样执行实现的。 1.我帮你帮我模仿CertificateDownloader.php文件的实现,改成非命令去实现。 2.命令的CertificateDownloader.php用到的东西都给我实现出来,不要跟我说具体自己实现。
下一篇:返回顶部 代码